
Showing posts from January, 2023

Arohana were organized by the organization Abhyudaya in S-VYASA University, Bengaluru.

 NamastešŸ™ On Sunday 1.1 2023  interschool cultural and literary competitions, Arohana were organized by the organization Abhyudaya  in S-VYASA University, Bengaluru. Dr. Nagendraji and other dignatories delivered motivational speech in the  inaugural session.     Different competitions such as drama, dance, patriotic song, chanting Eakathmata stothra, drawing, pick and speak , essay writing etc. were conducted. More than 100  students from Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kalkubalu enthusiastically participated in it.     During the concluding programme our students performed Bharatanatyam and enacted a patriotic dance drama on Rani Abbakka Devi. Performance was applauded by the audiance widely. Winners were  appreciated with a memento and Certificate     Thanking you.  

VKV Kallubalu performed Pooja for Chinmaya Paduka

  On 31.12 2022 Saturday performed Pooja for Chinmaya Paduka of Param Sadguru Shree Gajanan ji Maharaj in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kallubalu. Kum Smruthi class 7th and her parents performed the Pooja with devotion. Pooja was concluded with Shanti manthra. Dr. Purushitham ji Rajimwale Maharaj. MD President, Gurumandir and Vishwa Foundation , delivered the message, importance of performing Agnihithra. Every one offered pranams to the Padukas. Prasad was distributed to all. Total attended 235.

Celebrated Kalpataru Day in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya- Kallubalu.

Namaste   On 31.12.2022 Saturday celebrated Kalpataru Day in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya- Kallubalu. On this auspicious occasion, Chief Guest Sri Kari Basappa -Yoga teacher, S-VYASA Prashanti Kuteeram spoke on the incident happened in the life of Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa,on 1 st January 1886 in the.Kashipura garden. Guest of honour, Sri Suresh ji - Teacher gave message on Bharatiya Griha. Programme concluded with Shanti manthra. Total attended 224