Investiture Ceremony @ Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya-Kallubalu

Date:24-06-2023 Today on 24-06-2023 Saturday Investiture Ceremony was conducted in our vidyalaya.The programme started exactly at 9:30am. Respected Shree Surya Prakash Sir occupied the chief guest chairs. Respected Nagabhushan sir was the guest of honour. Respected Shree Ishan Surya sir informed about the importance of the Investiture Ceremony.10th standard girls sang the motivational song. Followed by pinning the badges by the chief guests to newly elected students parliament members. Recently House captains were also honored by pinning the badges and handing over the flags. Followed by the discourse by the guests. Shree Nagabhushan sir stressed the need to understand the responsibilities. Shree Surya Prakash Sir guided on self-dependence and progress for the Welfare of the country and society. The programme was concluded with Shanti Mantra.