Mountain Trekking
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kallubalu

Today on 03/03/2019, Sunday 70 Participants from 6 different "Sanskara Varga" went for an excursion to "Durga Betta" They started in the morning by 6:30. All the participants had a great time. A competition was held to present Sanskara Varga in which Kallubalu Sanskara Varga won the first prize. And they returned by 11 AM.

Today on 03/03/2019, Sunday 70 Participants from 6 different "Sanskara Varga" went for an excursion to "Durga Betta" They started in the morning by 6:30. All the participants had a great time. A competition was held to present Sanskara Varga in which Kallubalu Sanskara Varga won the first prize. And they returned by 11 AM.
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