Geeta Jayanti Celebrations @ VKV Kallubalu

Geeta Jayanti Celebrations @ VKV Kallubalu

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Kallubalu.

Today on 3rd of December "Geeta Jayanti" was celebrated in our Vidyalaya.
The program started at 9:00 a.m. with prayer and bhajans.
Su. Shri Gauri didi an ISKCON volunteer occupied the chair of the chief guest.
The program begins with Geeta for Daily Life with meaning by SSLC students. Fancy dress by KG students enthusiastic children with impeccable dress and makeup formed remarkably.
The program continued with the dance a drama on Krishna's advice and ended with guest speech. Shri Gauri didi liked and appreciated the performances and guided the students in an interactive manner students love the dialogues with her and responded positively. The program concluded with Shanti Mantra.
The program ended at 11:30 a.m.
Total attendance 302


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