Organization Overview

Vivekananda Kendra is a spiritually oriented service mission with the vision of “Man Making and Nation Building” of Swami Vivekananda.
The Kendra has more than 1500+ branches and activity centers spread over India. The Kendra is committed to working across all strata of the society to rebuild the nation through various service activities such as Yoga, Swadhyay Varga(Study Circle), Samskar Varga, Rural Development, Education, Development of Natural Resources, Organising Youth and Women and Publications based on the life and message of Swami Vivekananda and Indian Culture.
In the field of education, it is at present running 85 educational institutions and 500+ Anandalayas mainly for the tribal and rural children of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Andaman & Nicobar, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka.
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya - Kallubalu
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Kallubalu opened in May 2001 is serving the predominantly populated economically backward and tribal people from 25 villages in and around Kallubalu.
Vidyalayais a centre forsocial change

Vidyalaya conducts various activities like Yoga Varga, Samskara Varga, and Anandalayas in various villages for the upliftment of the villages involving the students, teachers, and the parents of the Vidyalaya.
One such activity recently taken up was COVID -19 Assistance. From 23 March 2020 to 18 May 2020, Vidyalaya distributed 4000 ration kits (worth Rs 1000/kit) to needy people and provided cooked food to 1 Lakh people of 25 villages.
You can personally visit us at the following address: Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya - Kallubalu Kallubalu, Jigani Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru – 560105, Karnataka India; You can also check out our Website – Link; Email:; Ph: 9448670527
Anandalaya –An Overview
With its experience of rural development and education, Kendra has developed an informal education system called Anandalaya.

Key Objectives of the Program
• To create an education supportive atmosphere in interior villages
• To impart education through the play-way method and increase interest for studies among primary school students of the village.
• To reduce the rate of dropouts and thus improve the status of education and to nullify the gender gap in education
• To give Man Making, value-based education and thus improve the quality of education
• To increase patriotic feeling among villagers
• To create health awareness among children and through them among villagers
• To work for the all-round development of the village
Presently, VKV Kallubalu is running 3 Anandalayas. Details of the villages are as under :
1. Thimmayyanadoddi
2. Madappandoddi
3. Iruligara colony
Along with this, Periodical training camps and weekly meetings of Acharyas, Supervisors, and Karyakarthas will be organized to upgrade their knowledge, to develop confidence, and their overall personality.
A great opportunity to give back to Society
In pandemic situations, we are seeking support from you in joining hands with us to support the needy with the main focus being on the children.
Current needs in the following areas in the short-term:
1. 50 Smartphones (Used – In Working Conditions ) to help enable the higher class students ( 8th to 10th Standard ) take up online classes
2. Food supplies (Ration) or funds to support the supply of ration to meet the demands in these villages
3. Clothes/Household for children from age group 3 and above. Also for the elderly. Any households items also can be of use in this scenario
Long-Term Support also is welcome in the following areas:
1. Develop Language Skill–To help pick-up language skills to speak English fluently, we will be happy to have volunteers to conduct “Spoken English” classes to both the Acharyas and Students
2. Support for Skill Training Projects
3. Adopting a child by endowing scholarships for his/her education by paying Rs.15000/-p.a
4. Donation of funds to be used for infrastructure development
5. Donation of furniture, lab equipment, books, sports goods, computers, and teaching aids.
Your contributions are purely on a voluntary basis… Thank You
Your Contributions to Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya are exempted under Section 80G under the Income Tax Act.
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