Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya , Kallubalu celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day


The program started at 9:00 a.m. with prayer and lighting the lamp. Shri parpasar welcome and introduced the Chief Guest. Welcome dance by the 7th standard girl Ilakshi was the next to follow.
Ishansurya sir informed about the importance of the day with excerpts from swamiji's life. English drama describing the incidence of Swamiji's visit with maharaja of Khetri was performed by the teachers of our Vidyalaya.
Respected chief guest Shri. S. S. Mahadevan sir was the next to speak who guided on occasion of UB Day. He focused on the universal brotherhood and its importance.
Respected H. M. SuShri Kanta didi delivered the vote of thanks.
The program continued further with Chicago Address by 9th standard girl keerthana. Next on the agenda was the Kannada drama based on the incidences of swamiji's life which was again performed by the teachers of our Vidyalaya.
The students of 4th and 5th standard performed the dance based on kuvempu's famous song Sanyasi geete.
8th standard student Smriti was last to sing her song on Swamiji.
Price distribution was the final program which was conducted by SuShri Lalita didi, secretary V.K.V. Kallubalu and other respected teachers of our Vidyalaya. The program was concluded with Shanti Mantra.
Teachers' drama performances was a singular and rare feature of this year.


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